Internship Week 5

HSC Intern


Another busy week has gone by. I did many different things this past week and learned a lot of new things. I was able to go and talk to different growers about some of the pastures they own. I have been looking at a number of different pastures lately after talking to the grower to see what the problem weed species are in that pasture. There was also another successful week of garden camp along with mowing around some of the different test plots. I learned that there always seems to be a more efficient way to communicate with someone. I was having trouble getting ahold of people this last week with just an email. I learned that it is much easier to pick up the phone and give someone a call rather than try to email back and forth. The garden is doing very well with a good amount of lettuce, potatoes, beets, and beans so far. The grass weeds are being hard to control in the garden. The weeds were sprayed but hopefully I can get a grasp on killing them. 

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