My First Rain Week

HSC Intern

My first week at HSC has been anything but dry. I'm learning that even though every farmer seems to need a rain, sometimes we need it to stop too. All this rain has made getting into the garden to work a little more difficult, and a lot more muddy. However, that's also given me more time to work on some of the lessons for the next few weeks and get things set up! I'm excited to see all the kids Wednesday at 9 and begin camp!

The struggling plants in the garden are now starting to come up and we ended up having a dry day to put some sevin dust on the beans that were being eaten and were able to till up between a few of our rows.


Since there has been a lull in our work from the rain, it has also been a good chance to get to know some of the employees here as well! We've been able to go get lunch a few days and have a chance to meet and talk to some of our customers!

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