Lasagna & Pie

Lasagna & Pie

HSC Intern2 comments

 As promised, this week I'm telling you about some projects I've been working on this summer! Last week I taught you a bit about our new tech, Enlist. We have multiple Enlist fields planted, but one in particular I've been checking up on frequently. This field was planted with straight Liberty Link soybeans (a single stack liberty trait system) and a few passes of Enlist E3 soybeans through the middle. The main idea we were hoping to witness and better understand was how little Enlist drifts off target. For those who don't know these two chemical mixes.. When we spray Enlist, we potentially will see 2, 4-D damage to the Liberty beans, on the other hand when we spray the Liberty we shouldn't see any effect on the Enlist E3 beans.

This first picture here is taken on the line of the upwind sides when we sprayed. Walking the line we're seeing between 0 & 1 rows of damage to the beans, and very rarely a second row. The wind when we sprayed was blowing from the right of the pictures to the left. 

Looking at this picture, we see our downwind side of the line from spraying. This side has some more drifting, In general we're seeing around 2 to 3 rows of damage. Overall I am impressed with the results we're seeing! I think that Enlist is going to be a good new chemical on the market for farmers to consider! Seeing the small amount of damage on these beans is a good price to pay so we can learn how much this product really stays home. 


Lastly this final picture is one of the taller weeds we've found in the Enlist beans that we wanted to track and see what the full effects were!

I also had a chance this week to check out some of our ContaiN fields! AgXplore has formulated ContaiN to increase the availability and use of nitrogen, and is considered a nitrogen urease inhibitor. From what I've witnesses thus far, the key difference we see in our corn samples is the root structures and lengths. More than likely I won't be around to see the ending results of this product, but I'm excited for our company to have some higher yield results to offer to you next year!

Looking at the above photos, Our first field on the left side has a check/untreated corn on the left and a treated ContaiN corn on the right. The second field is showing the same on the right side of this photo with the check/untreated on the left and treated ContaiN on the right!

Other than my projects, this week was full of lots of random projects! I got some major cleaning and spraying done in the garden that I had been procrastinating. Kyle and I cleaned a ton of dirt and stuff out of the corn building so it looks organized now! Thursday we had lasagna day (and it was national intern day!!). Essentially lasagna day consisted of me bringing lasagna and pie for everyone to eat for lunch...and breakfast Friday. 


One of my lessons from this week is to not limit yourself to being inside all day. Get out and do something after work if you've been inside the whole day. Even if you're exhausted at the end of the day, you may make a memory you'll never forget!

Earlier in the week I went to a cool place in North Topeka called Iliff Commons. It's a really cool nature walking area that has lots of swings, benches, picnic tables, a pond, and some Kansas history throughout! One of my best friends, Tori, and I took my dog up there and got to explore around and take some cool pictures! I highly recommend this for a fun evening if you're ever up in the area!


Lisa Baker
Lisa Baker
Fascinating information & the pie looks yummy 😋
Lisa Baker
Lisa Baker
Fascinating information & the pie looks yummy 😋

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