"Someday you'll see the reason that there's good in goodbye."
Saying goodbye is difficult in any situation and that is certainly true for this one. I am truly at a loss for words as my time interning at Harveyville Seed Company comes to an end. So many life lessons have been learned and memories made. This experience has been unlike any other in my life. The internship was not exactly what I expected, and I mean this in a good way - surprisingly!
This summer has been about stepping out of my comfort zone and diving into a new field of agriculture (agronomy). From learning how to run a fork lift, to putting in my 1st field test trial, and even traveling to York, NE for agronomy training it has all allowed me to not only grow my knowledge base but also allowed me to grow as a person.
I was pretty hesitant and a little reserved when I first began my internship experience, but with the support of all the wonderful people here at Harveyville Seed Co. I have truly flourished from every experience, big and small. Every story told and trip out to check a field is what resides with me. It doesn't take a lot of effort to make an impact on someone, you just need to be willing to do so!
Receiving this internship allowed me to do so many things! I got to work with, educate, and have fun with the local youth during Garden Camp for 6 weeks. Memories made during this time are some of my favorites during my internship. I also was able to meet more community members and network with others in the agriculture industry through this internship which has only benefitted me as an individual! Harveyville Seed Company is a great place, with people who truly care about each person who walks through the door and also those in the local communities too.

As I walk out the door for the last time I don't think it will hit me that this is the end of this experience. It's hard to believe that the summer is gone and this part of my life is coming to a close. All I can say is that I truly am thankful for this wonderful opportunity to work with great, caring people, broaden my knowledge, and grow more as a person. This internship has made a greater impact on my life than I ever imagined, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Thank you to Harvevyille Seed Company, United Suppliers, and everyone I met along the way for making this internship experience so great!
"The two hardest things to say in life are Hello for the first time and Goodbye for the last."
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